RF1 is designed to fill cups, cones and ice cream containers of various capacities and shapes with a maximum dosing volume of 1 litre.
The format change takes only 15 minutes. RF1 can be supplied in 1 or 2 row configuration, with productivity of up to 6000 pieces per hour.
The main movements are mechanical, the accessory operations are pneumatic and servo-driven.
All machine settings can be saved under recipes in Siemens S7 PLC controls with 9″ color HMI touch screen.
Standard configuration:
- Positioning of the container
- 1 or 2 color ice cream filling
- Positioning of the lid
- Pressing the lids
- Release of the finished product
- Washing via CIP
Available options:
- Liquid topping dispenser
- Dry ingredient dispenser
- Heat sealing of the lids
- Extraction belt
- Data printer encoder
- Diverter valves
- Twister dispenser